Related items of proposals
"A Proposal for COGNET: A Research Network for Cognitive Science" - proposals
"Computing and Information Science Thesaurus" -- Traub -- Bell Telephone Laboratories - proposals
"Proposal for COGNET: A Computer Network for Cognitive Science" - proposals
1984 French-German Appearances -- Aix-en-Provence, France -- Faculte d'Econimie Appliquee D'Aix-Marseille -- "Medaille de Vermeil" Award -- "The Impact of the New Information Technology on Human Organization" - proposals
1984 French-German Appearances -- Montpellier, France -- Universite Paul Valery -- "Docteur Honoris Causa" Award -- Colloquium on "Autour de l'Ouvre de H.A. SIMON: le Paradigme S.T.I." - proposals
Administrative Forms -- "Average Case and Probablistic Settings of Information-based Complexity" NSF grant -- Wasilkowski and Traub -- Correspondence - proposals
Administrative Forms -- "Average Case and Probablistic Settings of Information-based Complexity" NSF grant -- Wasilkowski and Traub -- Correspondence - proposals
Administrative Record -- Paper - proposals
Advanced Research Projects Agency - proposals
Air Force Real-Time Artificial Intelligence System (RTAIS) -- Program Proposal - proposals
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - proposals
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation -- Cognitive Science - proposals
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation -- Grant -- Cognitive Science Institutional Development - proposals
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation -- Grant -- Cognitive Science Institutional Development - proposals
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation -- Grant -- Cognitive Science Program - proposals
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation -- Grant -- Cognitive Science Program Activities - proposals