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Carnegie Mellon University Archives
Related items of Carnegie Mellon University Archives
"A Three-Stage Variable Shift Iteration for Polynomial Zeros and its Relation to Generalized Rayleigh Iteration" -- Traub -- NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 14 - abstracts (summaries)
"A Three-Stage Variable Shift Iteration for Polynomial Zeros and its Relation to Generalized Rayleigh Iteration" -- Traub -- NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 14 - articles
"A Three-Stage Variable Shift Iteration for Polynomial Zeros and its Relation to Generalized Rayleigh Iteration" -- Traub -- NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 14 - lists (document genre)
"A Three-Stage Variable Shift Iteration for Polynomial Zeros and its Relation to Generalized Rayleigh Iteration" -- Traub -- NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 14 - lists (document genre)
"A Three-Stage Variable Shift Iteration for Polynomial Zeros and its Relation to Generalized Rayleigh Iteration" -- Traub -- NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 14 - memorandums
"A Three-Stage Variable Shift Iteration for Polynomial Zeros and its Relation to Generalized Rayleigh Iteration" -- Traub -- NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 14 - papers (documents)
"A Three-Stage Variable Shift Iteration for Polynomial Zeros and its Relation to Generalized Rayleigh Iteration" -- Traub -- NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 14 - reports
"A Use of the Mean Value Theorem to Speed Up Convergence" -- Traub -- Bell Telephone Laboratories - papers (documents)
"A Use of the Mean Value Theorem to Speed Up Convergence" -- Traub -- Bell Telephone Laboratories - reports
"Accelerated Iterative Methods for the Solution of Tridiagonal Systems on Parallel Computers" -- Heller, Stevenson, Traub -- Carnegie Mellon University - reports
"Algebraic Theory of Matrix Polynomials" -- Dennis, Traub, Weber -- SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis vol. 13, no. 6 - articles
"Algebraic Theory of Matrix Polynomials" -- Dennis, Traub, Weber -- SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis vol. 13, no. 6 - reports
"Algorithm 419: Zeros of a Complex Polynomial (C2)" -- Jenkins and Traub -- COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, Vol. 15, No. 2 - articles
"Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems" Dagstuhl Seminar Report -- Heinrich, Traub, Wozniakowski, ed. - reports
"Algorithms for Solvents of Matrix Polynomials" -- Dennis, Weber, Traub -- SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis vol. 15, no.3 - articles
"All Algebraic Functions Can Be Computed Fast" -- Kung and Traub -- Journal of the ACM vol. 25, no. 2 - articles